Current Message Series
I’ve enjoyed preaching the “Topics” series and I’m certain I’ll come back to it again sometime in the future and cover some other topics impacting Christians today. I’ll continue through the end of July and finish up the first Sabbath of August. You can listen to this series and other messages at Here are the last few topics we’ll cover:
Money – July 19
Wellness (Health) – July 26
The Church – August 2
This past Sabbath I tackled Race (“Topics” Series – Race and the Church: Christians in Black and White) and I’ve had several comments on it – thankfully all very positive. I welcome more comments on my message on race and I would also encourage you to check out the article by pastor Freddie Russell (A Peculiar Institution) of Miracle Temple SDA church on the Adventist Today website
I didn’t realize that AToday’s most recent issue dealt with the same issue I raised in my sermon about segregated conferences. My good friend Andy Nash who is editor of AToday told me they had something coming out on it but I completely forgot about it.
What did you think of the “Jesus loves the little children” video?